2025 Summer cheer camp



This is a release of liability and assumption of risk agreement.  Please read it carefully and sign below.  Completion of this release is a pre-requisite to your child’s participation in the Westmont Cheerleading Camp.

The Westmont Cheerleading Camp is operated by the Westmont High School Cheer Program.  I, the undersigned, understand and agree that the District or School shall not be liable or responsible for any claims or complaints arising from or related to my child’s participation in the Westmont Cheerleading Camp.

I, the undersigned, know and fully understand that any athletic/physical activities, including participation in the Westmont Cheerleading Camp, involves numerous risks, dangers and hazards both known and unknown, where serious accidents can occur, participants can sustain physical injuries, and/or damage to their property.  Regardless of whether the athletic/physical activity involves physical contact or not, all athletic/physical activities and sports have inherent risks of injury which are inseparable from the activity.

I acknowledge that the Westmont Cheer Camp is designed to stress the heart, lungs, cardiovascular and circulatory systems, muscles, joints, ligaments, and tendons in an attempt to improve muscular strength and cardiovascular fitness.  I acknowledge that I am aware that enrolled children should warm up prior to engaging in the Westmont Cheer Camp and stretch upon completion of these activities.  I acknowledge I have been advised to consult with the enrolled children’s physician with respect to any past or present injury, illness, cardiovascular problem, knee problem, joint problem or any other condition or medication that may affect the enrolled children’s participation and ability to participate in and to endure the exercise program.

In consideration for the Westmont Cheer Program and the Westmont Cheerleading Camp, I hereby assume all risks associated with participation in the Westmont Cheerleading Camp and voluntarily agree to release, waive, discharge and hold harmless the Westmont Cheer Program, the Westmont Cheerleading Camp and their respective directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, coaches and volunteers from and against any and all claims of liability, demands or losses of any kind or nature arising out of their negligence, or any other act or omission which causes my child illness, injury, and/or damages of any nature that are in any way connected with my child’s participation in the Westmont Cheerleading Camp.  I also expressly agree to release and discharge the Westmont Cheer Program, Westmont Cheerleading Camp, School and District from any act or omission of negligence in rendering or failing to render any type of emergency or medical services.