Cheerleader of the Month!
September 2021
Darlene Galvan (Varsity):
Darlene is always in a good mood and is fun to be around. Even with her hurt wrist she’s been helping us during stunt and she’s an amazing leader and hard worker.
Darlene is so positive and encouraging! I love stunting and working with her.
She's so so nice and has such an amazing personality. She is the brightest person ever and virtually never complains.
Nicole Olazaba (JV):
Nicole is the sweetest freshman ever. She is so kind and has improved so much in the past few months.
Nicole has been improving a lot and working very hard for comp season. She is always a good sport and she takes corrections very well, making them with a smile on her face and a good attitude.
I think that Nicole has been improving a lot with her stunting and always remains positive.
August 2021
Ashlyn Yee (Varsity):
Ashlyn always shows up to practice with a positive attitude. She’s always doing her absolute hardest at practice therefore she should be cheerleader of the month.
Ashlyn helped my stunt group learn new stunts at camp and also helped teach numerous things to the freshmen.
She is incredibly committed to the success of this team. In the weeks prior to camp she had attended a two week camp and still was working as hard as the rest of the girls on the team and keeping the energy up.
Kendall Albrecht (JV):
Kendall is always showing up to practice and putting in her work and time to help JV. As JV Captain, she always does an amazing job and makes sure we learn our cheers. She’s an overall kind person and she should be cheerleader of the month.
I think Kendall should be cheerleader of the month because she is a really good captain and she is has been helping the new girls with all the cheers and is being a really good teammate.
She is always improving. she is understanding her role as captain like teaching the new girls g-o and fight song
July 2021
Lainey Fitch (Varsity):
Lainey is a great captain with good leader ship skills. She’s always willing to help out the team and is very committed.
Lainey is always helping people out and does her best in everything she does. She is willing to help and give advice to anyone that asks.
She’s a great amazing co captain and she helps everyone. She’s always there and know how to solve problems. She is absolutely the sweetest and a fantastic captain.
Iha Shah (JV):
Iha always has a good attitude and tries to help out anywhere she can. when she can tell that me or someone else is stressed out she lets us know that it will all be fine and is there for us.
She is probably one of the nicest people I’ve ever met! She roomed with me at camp and she was always helping me out with learning cheers and dances. She’s very hard working and always tries her best to improve.
She has been consistently doing her best to improve her skills in all areas, asking for advice and things to work on at home. She is eager to learn and she is proactive, making sure she and those around her are working.
August 2019
Kaylee Witana (Varsity):
Kaylee is always at cheer practice and always trying her hardest. Her tumbling, jumps, strength, and endurance is all amazing. Lately, I think Kaylee has been helping with spotting everyoneeeee and giving advice and I think she would make a good cheerleader of the month.
she’s so kind and helpful with tumbling, always willing to spot and giving very good tips for every aspect of cheer because she’s absolutely amazing at everything
Always on task. Always tries very hard
Madison Yazalina (JV):
She improved her tumbling a lot from a fall to bridge to a back walkover. She’s also really kind and helpful.
she always has a good attitude and works hard at practice
She has been very flexible with comp stunt and has been willing to be a back base and flyer if the position is needed.
July 2019
Mia Davis (Varsity):
I think Mia should be cheerleader of the month, because she has the most energy and spirit out of everyone. Mia has also been a great leader and did a great job leading the team at camp.
Mia is always helping others to get better, she is such a great captain and is amazing at stunting. She also is great at tumbling.
She has been very welcoming to the new cheerleaders and has been a leader to all in the first few weeks.
Kate Merrick (JV):
she should be cheerleader of the month because she’s improved a lot with her stunting and has become stronger. she’s also very dedicated to her tumbling and got her roundoff bhs which is amazing
Kate should be cheerleader of the month because she always comes to practice with a smile on her face no matter what. She’s always so energetic and ready to participate and try new things. She is just an overall amazing and very kind person!
Always has a positive attitude and try’s her best. She is always willling to try new stunts, etc
March 2019
Varsity: Mackenzie Durrill
Kenzie should be Cheerleader of the Month because she has advanced a lot in tumbling and stunting. She has been thrown into hard stunts and tumbling and she’s doing it all very well. Her round off back handspring also looks amazing.
She has been able to step in at any stunt and be a good fit and she has thrown the most tumbling correctly
She got her back handspring and tries her best when she’s doing routines and when she’s just practicing
JV: Nadine Colombo
Always has a great attitude
I pick nadine because no matter how hurt she gets she pushes through it and is a good asset to the team
She improved a ton in flying and she’s working hard at practice even with her injury
February 2019
Varsity: Savannah-Rose Turner
Sav is an all-time amazing cheerleader. She demonstrates the most dedication to the team, and you’ll hardly ever see her not putting her best forward.
Best flyer, always giving corrections and working to improve.
She is so ambitious and pushes the team to do better which I really admire. She is so dedicated to the team and she should be recognized for it
JV: Samantha Binns
She is a great captain for JV and sets a great example for others to follow. She is always prepared for practice and puts in all her effort
She has been working very hard on her tumbling with Doug including getting her back walkover in a very short amount of time.
She has pushed through so many difficult tasks and Im so thankful for her support when I was going through some rough times.
January 2019
Varsity: Ilana Tenberg:
Because her hand is not really working but she can still do tumbling 10x better than most of the team and she works really hard in every aspect of cheer.
She has persevered through a dislocated thumb, bruised nose, and bad cold without complaining and is still willing to put 100% effort in during practices and competitions.
No matter how injured she gets she manages to push through all the practices and preformances she’s really dedicated to the team
JV: Ariana Rivera
She is so flexible and takes corrections extremely well and is always trying to get better with tumbling and flying. She works so hard and is always so motivated to do better.
She’s one of the most recent flyers and she’s improved so much in the time being. Her kick up scorpion is beautiful and I feel that as she continues to fly she’ll become even better.
She’s a flyer and a base and she has a positive attitude at practice
December 2018
Varsity: Maddie Becker
November 2018
Varsity: Mia Davis
JV: Lilia Caballero